Blue Lodge


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  • Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks is an American television serial drama created by Mark Frost and David Lynch. It follows an investigation headed by FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) into the murder of homecoming queen Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) in the fictional town of Twin Peaks... read more

  • Laura Palmer

Laura Palmer (played by Sheryl Lee) was her town's favorite daughter; she volunteered at Meals on Wheels, was the high school Homecoming queen, and was (apparently) the darling of her parents, Sarah and Leland. However, Laura led a double life... The discovery of Laura's body brings Special Agent Dale Cooper to town to investigate her death. read more

  • Black Lodge

The Black Lodge and White Lodge are extra-dimensional, connected places, the Black Lodge being a place of darkness and evil, while the White Lodge is a place of goodness. The lodges seem to be connected by the "Red Room" as seen by Agent Cooper in a dream, where he sees himself 25 years older sitting in a chair. The Native American policeman Deputy Hawk says that the Lodges are from the mythology of his people. Link

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